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Forum Posts

Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd
Aug 11, 2021
In Careforce Medicare Activities
Hi Guys, In July we, Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd Join hand to fight Covid-19, contribute to deliver and arrange Oxygen concentrator to hospital donated by Tabung Bencana Covid. We feel very thankful and glad that many people trusted our service and support us. We not only active during pendamic, we more one serve our customer with prompt action. Life not waiting for you but, you can save life with your great team and great energy. #staysafe #stayhealthy #joinhandfightcovid-19 #careroxygenconcentrator
Service Contribution - HTAR ENT Dept content media
Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd
Aug 11, 2021
In Careforce Medicare Activities
Unit has been donated to Hosptal Ampang. Donation made by Christian Church organization. As usual, our team will assist for service and also training to user. It was a great job that during this period we can saved people life. We happy to see many patient already recover to fight the pain of Covid-19.
Distribution of Carer Oxygen Concentrator in Hospital Ampang content media
Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd
Aug 11, 2021
In Careforce Medicare Activities
In August, our team visiting this centre and also distribute medical product for their daily use. We really appreciated that Mr Samuel who person in charge for this centre accepting our attendance during the distribution. We wish that you have a blessing day ahead for taking care this centre. Stay safe always. For those who want to join hand and support this centre, please contact Mr Samuel at 012-297 7797. This is a very good moment for us as we can meet a very special person. ACTS 20:35 "In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way we remember the Lord Jesus' words: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Glory be to those who help others.
Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd
Aug 11, 2021
In Careforce Medicare Activities
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10 pains that should always bring you to the doctor content media
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Careforce Medicare Supplies Sdn Bhd

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